Cuba Travel Restrictions

Recent changes won't stop our tours!

As you may have heard, on June 5th, 2019, the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) added more restrictions for US citizens traveling to Cuba. Despite this, 11 categories of approved travel remain, and we are still helping people experience this unique country under the OFAC general license "Support for Cuban People" category [31 CFR §515.574]. 

OFAC has amended this category to "require that each traveler utilizing this authorization engage in a full-time schedule of activities". This mandated schedule will be detailed in your itinerary - please contact us with any questions or concerns.
Our team will help you navigate the process of complying with federal regulations.

Support for the Cuban People

One of our core missions for our Cuba tours has been to give back to the Cubans that welcome us and our clients to their country. We stay in their private homes, eat their carefully prepared meals, and learn about a place unlike our own thanks to the effort and hospitality of the Cubans we personally work with. We always provide support on these tours and encourage travelers to bring along gifts to share. Our commitment to supporting Cuban locals enables us to operate tours within the "Support for the Cuban People" category. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can US citizens still travel to Cuba?

    YES! The recent amendmends made by the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) are mainly aimed at large ships and private/corporate planes. There are 11 remaining categories of acceptable travel for Americans to enter Cuba, and commercial flights are still legally traveling to Cuba.  

  • What changed on June 5th, 2019?

    The U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced that traveling to Cuba via private or corporate planes or "passenger and recreational vessels", like cruise ships and yachts, is no longer permitted. Commercial flights are still allowed to travel between the US and Cuba.

    Additionally, one of the 12 acceptable travel categories, "People to People", has been eliminated. 

  • Are US flights still going to Cuba?

    Yes, only corporate and private aircraft have been affected by the new restrictions. Commercial flights are still allowed!

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